Monday, December 12, 2011

13 Days until Christmas!

Today's post isn't really about Christmas.  Today is my baby sister's 16th birthday.  Oh, to say 16 makes me feel so old.  I remember the day I found out about her.  My reaction wasn't like most children.  I had wanted a baby sister for so long, so my mom thought I would be so happy when they told me that I was finally going to have a little brother or sister.  I suprised them, which isn't really out of my nature!  I was and at most time still full of surprises.  I had just learned about the birds and the bees and that age you don't really understand when and why and frankly how much or little those things go on.  So I thought they only reason people were intimate, I assume, was to have babies.  SO Mom told me that I was going to be a big sister and the first words out of my mouth was "THAT MEANS YOU ALL DID IT!".  Keep in mind I was 9.

So I found this idea via Pinterest to put a balloon in your child's room one for every year they are old.  The whole idea is that when they wake up in the morning, they will wake up to a room full of balloons.  Well I was not going to get up at 5 this morning and drive 25 minutes so that she could wake up to me opening the door with a handful of balloons.  So, I knew she was getting checked out to go take her permit test at 12:30, so I went up around 10:30 got 16  balloons blown up and took them to my Mom and Dad's.  Here is what they looked like....

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