One of my January goals is to make a conscious effort to get in more Bible time. As I was scrolling through my blog list the other day, I ran across this Bible study. It is a daily study for 3 months. I have been totally focused on food for the last two days making each and every meal that I lost track of time and didn't get to read on Monday or Tuesday, so I had to catch up to today's reading.
This Bible study is one of the best that I have ever participated in. The Lord has spoken to me in ways, through these passages that he has never done before. I encourage you to take a look at the link and start reading it for yourself. This link gives you print outs for everyday and encourages you to do what they call "SOAP".
S: Write out the scripture passage for the day. I like this because, when I write something out it resonates more than if I just read something.
O: Write down 1 or 2 observations from the passage. This helps me figure out what I believe God wants me to take away from the passage.
A: Write down 1-2 applications from the passage. When I read regularly, I don't necessarily think about how I am suppose to apply these things in our everyday life. This helps you to see what you can do to allow God's light to shine out from within you.
P: Pray over what you have learned from today's passage.
oh megan !! Im so proud!!