Saturday, March 3, 2012

Homeade Dunkaroo's

I don't know if you all remember these little treats, but I most defiantly do!  They were my favorite as a kid.  Well the majority of this week I have been sick, I started out with strep at the beginning  of the week, got a killer sinus infection through the end of the week and this weekend, along with my monthly gift from God himself!  So needless to say, I felt like a treat was in store for me! 

I have been obsessed with my waffle iron since Rachael Ray did her waffle week a couple of weeks ago.  SO, I went to the dollar store and purchased a box of Funfetti cake mix and icing. Brought it home and fixed the mix according to the box.

Warmed up my waffle iron, sprayed it liberally with cooking spray and this time I was smart and put wax paper under my iron so that all of the clean-up will be easy.  Then I filled the crevasses and and made cake waffles.

I let the waffle iron run through one cycle.  They were just a little crunchy, if you are looking for more crunch let them sit for two cycles.  But I didn't really want crunch.  Once I took them out, I cut them into strips and served them with a side of icing.

Watch me clean UP!

Now you see it......